Dark Spirit - Color appearance
2012.11.24. 09:33
Huh..vgre megszlettek az eredmnyek. Szrnyen sajnlom, hogy eddig tartott. :$ Mikor elkezdtem megrni szrnyen meglepdtem. Rengetegen neveztek erre a versenyre..ami kis nehzsget okozott a helyezseknl, de nagyon rlk, hogy ennyi nevez volt.^^
Az abszolt gyztes lovakat dlt betvel rtam!
I.hely: L'arc en Ciel | Balzac | Boston | Desert Eagle | Benetton Dream | Ray Rush Angel | Sapeur de Sybirien
II.hely: Altair Toffee | Hielo Prince Of Alaska | PS Revense | Afternoon | Choco de Fandango
III.hely: Kyzyl | Al Pacino | Little Spot | Rich Dude | Toscano
IV.hely: Bad Religion | Brsony | Lancelot | Saragossa Safar | Mrs. Lyra
I.hely: Vladimir | Kint Black Indian | PN Countdown Black | Belphegor | Minuscale Colibri | Fatal Symptom | Velvet | WooDoo de Fandango
II.hely: Born In Hell | L' Amour | PS Agnese | PS Rebellion | Wonderwall | Enelise
III.hely: Tullamore | PS Relago | Lerno | Fornicator's Delight Terminator | Light of Dawn | Random Souvenir
IV.hely: Aurelia | Little Heaven | Nocturnal | Wandering | Rebel | Tinke | West
I.hely: Centeuro | Believe You Can | Amadeus Wolf | Collin Bird | Farenheight | Glaedr | Hearth Attack | Legend | Light Star | Westenwind Show
II.hely: Cabbalah | Bless | Immortal | Wizard | Paco Boy | Thunder | SC Special Rosso | PN Magneto | Aerope de Mithology
III.hely: Ice Tea | Ichigo | Revendeur Prior | Navaho | Timon | Westerly Winds | Val de Loir
IV.hely: Bailarino | Aliano | Ecuardo | Loran | Thunder Bird | Unesco la Carte | Fenton Special
V.hely: Blow the Fire | Muscaris | Mylord Chick | PS Aramis de Mithology | PS Landzeit | Sir Schiwogo | Thresh
I.hely: Perseus | Azure Island | Firebon | Justify Noise | La Romantic | Ofelia's Dream | Plain N Simple | Scoutboy | Shadow
II.hely: Abelard | Elena | Minnesota | October Spirit | Alcatraz | Cabarin | Desert Rose | Pandora's Fire
III.hely: Be Yours | Eclipse Solair | Mechanical Puppet | PN Brisad | PN Callista de Mithology | PN Zeus de Mithology | Rain
IV.hely: Chex To The Star | In Flames | Milford De Carthago | SC Hummingbird | Shana Gris | Suez Guy | Vanilla Dollar
I.hely: PN Belasco | Anasta Nescreen | Contact | Dante | Ibicus | WH Justice
II.hely: Cockpit Champ Pro | Kebir II | Lisander | Palatinus | Secret Indian Fantasy | Mylord Catrhago
III.hely: Angelic Touch | Cecilia of SL | Khemabelle | Monsierur | PN Specled Blue | Stavros
I.hely: Lincoln | Supreme Sensation | Thunderstorm | Royal Venture
II.hely: Coloured Vision | Comedius | Vanill
III.hely: Color Dream | Dia | Witraz
Abszolt gyztes:
*The Most Beautiful Horse in DS
1.000.000 Ft
*Very Nice Horse in DS
800.000 Ft
*Great Horse in DS
500.000 Ft
*Good Horse in DS
300.000 Ft
*Nice Horse in DS
300.000 Ft